Safety Gate with Glass Railing

Baby Gates N Safety Featured Project 007

Babyproofing Stairway with Glass Railing

Job Brief: Install Retractable Gate at bottom of stairs with glass railing plus pressure mounted gate

Project Specifics

Requirements: Client needs to install safety gate at a stairway with glass railing. Preferred to use a pressure mounted gate at the top of stairs. 

Our Solution: We prepared a wood pillar to be attached to the glass railing at the bottom of stairs where the gate anchors are mounted. The Retract-A-Gate is chosen because it fits nicely below the wooden railing. As compared to wall mounted hard gate, retractable gate also has the advantage of not weighing down on the anchors. In this case, it is preferred to avoid unnecessary strain on the glass. We would have preferred a wall mounted gate at the top of stairs usually but for this case, the situation is not as bad because there is a small landing at the top of stairs. A gate installed closer to the ledge would have higher risks.

Safety Products used: Smart Retract Retract-A-Gate 52" retractable gate, Reer Pressure Mounted I-Gate with Simple Lock

Job Specific Customizations: Custom pillar for glass railing

Challenges: Safety Gate with Glass railing. Tapered railing design.

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